Installing Minecraft – Enigmatica 2 – How to

Installing Minecraft and setting it up ready to play a large modpack like Enigmatica 2 can be a challenge, In this guide we will take you through installing Minecraft to get yourself up and running.

Note: To play E2 or E2E you will need at least 8GB of RAM, if you do not meet this minimum requirement maybe a smaller modpack or Vanilla Minecraft is more for you, we recommend 16GB for the best experience.

Download Required Files

To get started you will need to download and install:

Minecraft Enigmatica 2: Downloaded Files
Downloaded Files

Installing Java

  • Uninstall any older versions of Java you may have installed
  • Double click on the new Java executable you just downloaded and follow the on screen prompts

Installing MultiMC

Open the MultiMC .zip you downloaded and drag the MultiMC folder to the location where you want to install Minecraft.

Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Install
MultiMC Install
  • Create a shortcut for MultiMC by right clicking on MultiMC.exe and selecting Create Shortcut
  • Put the shortcut wherever you want to allow easy access to the MultiMC Minecraft launcher
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Shortcut
MultiMC Shortcut

Setting up MultiMC

  • Run MultiMC.exe – Shortcut and start the setup process
  • Select your language
  • Set the memory allocated to Java for Minecraft to run. Use the values in the table below based on your system RAM
Total RAM (GB)Min RAM allocation(MB)Max RAM allocation (MB)
Note: There is no need to allocate more than 8192 MB of ram to Java unless using a Shader and Resource Packs
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Java Settings
MultiMC Java Settings
  • Once you have finished the initial setup click on Add Instance
  • Name the group you would like the Minecraft Instance (Server) to be a part of
  • Select Import from zip
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Import Modpack
MultiMC Import Modpack

Click on Browse and pick the Enigmatica .zip file you downloaded, click on OK.

Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Select Modpack
MultiMC Select Modpack
  • The modpack you selected should download and install
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Modpack Install
MultiMC Modpack Install
  • Once that has completed click Settings and go to Java
  • You will see the memory settings you set earlier and a box for JVM arguments
  • Set the JVM arguments to the recommended settings below:

-version:1.8+ -XX:+UseG1GC -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=2147483646 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

NillerMedDild – Setting up the (
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Java Arguments
MultiMC Java Arguments
  • Next click on Accounts in the same window
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Add Account
MultiMC Add Account
  • Select Add
  • Enter your Minecraft account details
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Mojang Account Details
Mojang Account Details
  • MultiMC will download some library files from Mojang
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: MultiMC Mojang Library Files Download
Mojang Library Files Download
  • You are now ready to play Minecraft Enigmatica 2
  • Double click on the Minecraft instance you have just setup to launch Minecraft
Minecraft Enigmatica 2: Minecraft Loading
Minecraft Loading

If you have at least 16GB of RAM and want to make your Minecraft experience even better check out our guide to setting up a Shader and Resource Packs here.

Last updated: July 31st, 2022