7 Days to Die FAQ
Commonly asked questions about the WNG 7 Days servers and their features. Browse through our 7 Days to Die FAQ. Suggestions are welcome.
How do I connect to the 7 Days servers?
For connection and server information go here:
7 Days to Die Server Information (wickedninjagames.com)
Are there any perks available for 7 Days to Die?
You can become a supporter and perks in all the games we host, check out the 7 Days to Die perks here:
7 Days to Die Supporter Packs & Perks (wickedninjagames.com)
Why do certain objects flash in and out of existence?
This is a known issue with the occlusion (wikipedia.org) in game. The only real fix is to disable the occlusion setting. (An official fix is being worked on still).
- Escape > Options > Video
- On right side you will see an option that says Occlusion
- Turn Occlusion off and apply the new settings
- You may need to restart the game
What in-game commands do I have access to?
For a list of additional in-game and Discord commands check out the link below:
7 Days to Die In-game Commands (wickedninjagames.com)
How do I access the Real-time Server Map?
All the public map links are detailed on the following page:
7 Days to Die Real-time Server Map (wngplay.com)
I am getting stuttering or really low FPS how do I fix it?
- Escape > Options > Video
- Change the settings to match the image below
- You may need to restart the game

Last updated: October 10th, 2024