ASE Events Server
The ARK: Survival Evolved Events Server is now live on WickedNinjaGames. We launched our ASE Events server to address some of the difficulties players reported to us while doing World Bosses on the main cluster.
With our Events Server it will also allow us to provide not only World Bosses, but also Raidable Bases. All events will require unique tactics, present unique challenges and provide rewards.
World Bosses are focused on our end game players looking for a new challenge. Raidable bases provide activities for all levels of play.
These events are evolving, so don’t expect your fight to be the same every time.
Important Information
- Anyone can access the ASE Events Server
- The server only allows 5 players on it at any one time
- You can only deploy up to 20 tames on the server
- Only 1 World Boss can be active at a time
- No building is possible
- No flying is possible
- The following tames are not allowed to be deployed on the server:
Tek Hover Skiffs
Desert Titans - Once your access expires you will no longer be able to enter the World Boss arena, buy boss kits or redeem boss kits, please leave the ASE Events Server and allow the next team a shot at glory
A Tour of The WNG ASE Events Server
Accessing The Events Server
- You will then have 1 hour 30 minutes to participate in World Boss or Raidable Base events
- Check if there is already a group on the ARK Events Server and how long they have left (Don’t want you to waste your access)
Players on Events
Note: You can use the 💬ase-global on Discord and chat to players already on the server using Global chat.
- Travel to the Events server
Starting Events
- Once you have arrived on the ARK Events Server use the portals provided to teleport yourself to the staging area for World Bosses or Raidable Bases

- From The Emporium (F2) purchase the kit for your desired World Boss or Raidable Base
- Check there is not an active World Boss or Raidable Base, you can use the command /bases to see if there are any active Raidable Bases, if there are make sure no one is running an event
Note: If you redeem a World Boss kit with an active arena you will waste your kit.
- Redeem the kit in your Stash
- The 5 minute warmup timer will start
- Move into the arena and deploy your tames
Note: You must deploy your tames inside the arena, they cannot travel through the barrier. Do not deploy your tames in the middle of the arena or you may prevent the World Boss spawning.
- Fight the boss or defeat the base
Note: The only way out of an arena is to use /tp exit, it has a 10 second cast time. You will not be able to move and getting attacked will interrupt it.
- You then have a 5 minute cooldown before the next World Boss can be summoned. Please use this time to collect and loot crates and bury your dead
Leaving The ARK Events Server
When it is time to leave the server please use the portals provided to take you to a City Terminal to travel back to the main ARK cluster.
World Bosses
We have designed the World Bosses so that you you progress through them in order, the earlier bosses will provide you with the the tools to kill the later bosses.

World Boss – Loot
Note: You need to be level 70 to get rewards from World Bosses.
All bosses drop (Except Savage Acro 70)
- 5 x Supply Crates of various colours (Chance at Ascendant Weapons, Saddles and Armour)
- 1 x Deep Sea Crate (Chance at Ascendant Aquatic Saddles)
- 1 x Deep Desert Crate (Chance at Ascendant Desert Saddles)
- A chance to get one of the following (Up to Ascendant quality, per player):
- Tek Saddles max Armour is 270 not 150
Tek Space Whale Saddle, Tek Megalodon Saddle, Tek Rex Saddle Tek, Tapejara Saddle, Tek Mosa Saddle, Tek Space Dolphin Saddle, Tek Rock Drake Saddle, Tek Bow, Tek Pistol, Tek Grenade Launcher, Tek Cruise Missile, Tek Shoulder Cannon, Mining Drill
Domination Rexes (Per player)
- Survivor Trophy
- 50,000 Experience
- 4,000 Points
- Cloning Chamber Engram unlock
- Tek Claws Engram unlock
- Domination Rex Saddle (Up to Ascendant quality)
Lava Elemental (Per player)
- Volcanic Domination Rex skin
- Health Mutation for Domination Rex (+5 levels in Health)
- 50,000 Experience
- 4,000 Points
- Tek Shoulder Cannon Engram unlock
- Mystery Chibi
Magmasaur (Per player)
- Snow Domination Rex skin
- Stamina Mutation for Domination Rex (+5 levels in Stamina)
- 50,000 Experience
- 4,000 Points
- Tek Cruise Missle Engram unlock
- Mystery Chibi
Karkinos (Per player)
- Bog Domination Rex skin
- Melee Damage Mutation for Domination Rex (+5 levels in Melee Damage)
- 50,000 Experience
- 4,000 Points
- Tek Grenade Launcher Engram unlock
- Mystery Chibi
Savage Acro 70
- Savage Acro trophy
- Savage Acro flag
- ARK Additions high level saddles (Chance at blueprint)
- ARK Additions chibis
- ARK Additions skins
- 350 Element
- Tek
Savager Acro 140
- Savage Acro trophy
- Savage Acro flag
- ARK Additions high level saddles (Chance at blueprint)
- ARK Additions chibis
- ARK Additions skins
- 350 Element
- Tek
- 2 x Dino Level Consumables (+1 level in Melee Damage)
- 2 x Dino Level Consumables (+1 level in Health)
Ridable Bases
Radiable bases are tiered, the harder the base the more rewards you get.

Raidable Bases – Loot
Loot is awarded when the core structure of a base is destroyed. Rewards go to all the players in the tribe present when the core structure is destroyed. The more players present the more rewards you get.
The Beacon (Per player)
- No duplicate items
- 20% Blueprint chance
- 1 x Low quality Tier 3 item
- 2 x Low quality saddles
Tek Barn (Per player)
- No duplicate items
- 15% Blueprint chance
- 2 x Medium quality Tier 2 items
- 3 x Medium quality saddles
Paddock 51 (Per player)
- No duplicate items
- 10% Blueprint chance
- 4 x High quality Tier 1 items
- 3 x High quality saddles
- 1 x High quality ARK Additions saddle
Implant Casino (Per player)
- Double loot
- No duplicate items
- 20% Blueprint chance
- 1 x Low quality Tier 3 item
- 2 x Low quality saddles
The Greenhouse (Per player)
- Double loot
- No duplicate items
- 15% Blueprint chance
- 2 x Medium quality Tier 2 items
- 3 x Medium quality saddles
Nuclear Launch Site (Per player)
- Double loot
- No duplicate items
- 10% Blueprint chance
- 4 x High quality Tier 1 items
- 3 x High quality saddles
- 1 x High quality ARK Additions saddle
Last updated: March 26th, 2025