September 8, 2024
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7 Days to Die FAQ

Commonly asked questions about the WNG 7 Days servers and their features. Browse through our 7 Days to Die FAQ. Suggestions are welcome.

How do I connect to the 7 Days servers?

For connection and server information go here:

7 Days to Die Settings And Addresses (

How do I redeem my supporter rewards?

Watch the video below from the linked time stamp.

Linking Discord to 7 Days to Die

Can I vote for the 7 Days to Die server and get rewards?

Vote links are in the connection and server information page here:

7 Days to Die Settings And Addresses (

Why do certain objects flash in and out of existence?

This is a known issue with the occlusion in game. The only real fix is to disable the occlusion setting. (An official fix is being worked on still).

  • Navigate to main menu
  • Select options
  • Select video
  • On right side you will see an option that says Occlusion
  • Turn occlusion off and apply the new settings.
  • Launch map back up and you will be all set.

What in-game commands do I have access to?

For a list of additional in-game and Discord commands check out the link below:

7 Days to Die in-game Commands (

How do I access the Real-Time Server Map?

All the public map links are detailed on the following page:

7 Days to Die Public Server (

How do I access the in game web shop

All the shop links are detailed on the following page:

7 Days to Die Public Server (

I am getting stuttering or really low FPS how do I fix it?

Escape > Options > Video

Change the settings to match the picture below:

Better FPS in 7 Days to Die
Better FPS in 7 Days to Die

How do I connect to and install Darkness Falls?

Follow the video below step by step. This is the preferred launcher used by the mod author himself.

How to install and play Darkness Falls?

Last updated: April 13th, 2022